Mar 27, 2011

Rock N Roll Dallas 1/2 Marathon

I wasn't planning on running this race, but thanks to Al Gore and the internet, I was able to get in at the last minute.

With a perfectly fantastic starting temperature of 50F and cloudy race day morning, there was no heat or sun to deal with. And leading up to the race, I haven't really done any tempo runs or pace training, just working on maintaining my heart rate at 150 beats per minute. Being that this was a race, I jumped up a zone and tried to stick at 165 the whole time.

It was pretty packed in each corral and took a little while for the crowd to spread out. The long uphill soon thinned the running masses and I found a nice groove. I don't know why exactly, but things just seemed to click for me. No pain, no random sweat drop stinging my eye, no blisters. Things just...worked.

I forgot my timing chip, so checked my watch at the end. 1hr 45 mins! It's a new PR for me at this distance and is just another reminder that if you have a training plan and stick to it, things generally work out how they're supposed to.

Splits: 8:41, 8:00, 8:05, 7:59, 8:09, 7:59, 8:11, 8:00, 7:36, 7:37, 7:50, 7:45, 7:43, 6:47. The course was a gradual uphill and then downhill. Easy to see where the downhill starts.

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