Mar 4, 2011

How good are small town events?

In about 10 hours I'll be starting the 26th Annual Athens, TX triathlon. If you didn't know there was an Athens, TX you wouldn't be alone...and that's exactly why I picked this race.

Having moved to Dallas from Los Angeles last November, I haven't really explored much outside of Uptown, White Rock Lake, or Addison where I work. It took me a long time to branch out when I first moved to California, so I'm trying to do what I can to not repeat that.

Athens, TX is about 90 miles of rolling hills and farmland southeast of Dallas and has a population just shy of 12,000. From what I hear, there are about 250 total competitors in this sprint event (300yd pool swim, 13.8mi bike ride, and 5K run) with the majority being from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. For the time trial start with 10 second intervals, I'm seeded 44th. Seedings are based on an estimated swim time. I expect to swim about :30 faster than what I signed up for so I hope to be passing people as we snake through the 6 lane pool.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the event is run and how I do in a small(er) field. It's supposed to rain tonight and maybe continue into the morning. That should make things interesting.

Post-Race Update

Tech shirts in the swag bag. Cervelo. Felt. Trek. Specialized. Quintana Roo. Cannondale. Pinnarello. Shimano. Gatorade. Nuun. Honey Stinger. Gu. Powerbar. Pearl Izumi. 2XU. DeSoto. Zoot. Brooks. K-Swiss. USAT officials. Timing chips. Volunteers. Police closing traffic. Medal ceremony. Veterans. First timers. Overly competitive athletes. People just out for a good workout.

They were all there. As was a place to swim, a course to bike, and a road to run. It was a triathlon. I sweat just as much in Athens as I have in Los Angeles or Dallas. I saw the results of my training. I joked with strangers. I learned some things to do next time. Big city, small doesn't matter. A successful event is a successful event.

Truth be told, I think the race directors did a great job. Like the ratio of students to teachers, there is an optimal number of race volunteers to participants. Whatever it is, Ironhead Race Productions knows it and also ensured everyone's safety through bike/helmet inspections, clean roads, and excellent course markings.

As multisport events become more mainstream, small town races will continue to pop up across the country, and if you ever get tired of feeling like runner #429 out of 20,000, I suggest you check one out.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Though I live in Seattle now, I lived up not far from Athens, TX in a little town called Kaufman until I was abotu 12. I can't remember why, but my dad did some work in Athens from time to time, and we always got the best burgers at some greasy spoon in town when we were there. My husband and I did a sprint duathlon in a tiny town here in Washington a few months ago. It didn't have any pomp and circumstance at all (there were only 15 participants), but sure was a hoot. Have a great time!
