Jul 22, 2010

A Coppola I am not

The fine folks at Clif Bar have been gracious enough to hold a contest offering their most creative and voracious all natural energy bar loving fans a one year supply of Clif Bars.

The winner will be chosen from the comments posted on their blog answering the question "What would you do with a year's supply of Clif Bars?"

Judging is based on originality, creativity, and content so, of course, I had to offer up my submission to the almighty energy bar gods. I mean, who was I to pass up a year of free Clif Bars?

First, I had to check out the competition: people saying they would eat them, give them to the homeless, or share them with their cycling and/or polar expedition teams. I really like one guy's suggestion of building a house. So many possibilities!

Secondly, I re-examined the question and the judging guidelines: Do something with the Clif Bars. Be creative. Be original. Provide content.

Thirdly, I did what I do best and just make stuff up. But you've always gotta start with some kind of inspiration to getthe juices flowing. I went with parody films.

Here's my entry in the contest --


By Swisscheez on 07/22/2010

For your consideration:

I would re-edit the amazing Woody Harrelson/Demi Moore movie Indecent Proposal and replace all the dollar bills with Clif Bars.

The film opens on the interior of a run down motel room, our leading couple tired and downtrodden, recently evicted after months of missed rent payments and utility bills piling up. After exhausting their meager supply of energy gels to satiate their ever growing hunger, they are forced to turn to Taco Bell hot sauce packets.

Cut to the smoldering antagonist. He has it all: power, money, good hair, and great teeth. At first glance he’s indestructible, but deep inside he harbors a hurtful resentment from the woman in his past who left him for his best friend, an adventure racer. Protected by his wall of money and influence, he keeps any true heartfelt romance at bay.

One sunny afternoon, we see our down on their luck couple scavenging for trial sized morsels of Luna bars and sips of energy drinks when, between the racks of running shorts, the powerful playboy spies her from across the race expo floor. She is the modern day visage of his former flame. Making his way past the massage tables and vacation Disney marathon booths, he matter of factly walks up to the vagabond and firmly states “I’ll offer you a 1 year supply of Clif Bars to sleep with your wife.”

...that’s all I’ve got so far. Do you think Shia LeBeouf is available?


If I win, I think it'd be fun to fil and edit a 90 second trailer of the Indecent Clif Bar Proposal. Probably won't include Shia LeBeouf though. I hear he causes a lot of drama on set. We'll see...

The contest is open until 11:59pm PT on Thursday July 29, 2010 so get your entries in if you think you can beat that!

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