Jan 3, 2011

Traveling and Training

I've never been very good at maintaining my training regiment when I travel. Whether for business or just a vacation, it's as like the "need to workout" switch in my brain gets turned off. I think I'll try a little harder to change that this year...that's all it takes, right?

I'm currently 3 days in on a 17 day trip to China for work. In the summer, the weather is ridiculously hot and humid and the smell is often less than pleasant. Luckily, it's mid 60's outside and recent rain has kept the air quality at a tolerable level.

The first day I gave myself a pass and skipped the gym -- I had spent the last 27 hours travelling from Dallas to Chicago to Shanghai to Hong Kong -- and was completely exhausted and nonfunctioning.

Yesterday morning I only hit my 6am snooze button twice before getting up and checking out the hotel gym at the Mira hotel where I'm staying. It's pretty nice, very clean, and you usually have it all to yourself. They also have a pool, but I think it's only 20m long. Weird.

Today was better: no snooze, just get up out of bed. I don't know why, but I always feel better when I just get up instead of falling back asleep and being woken up by an obnoxious alarm every 7 minutes. Ran 5k on the treadmill and then did some squats and ab work. Wait. What? I know, I know...you're saying to yourself "Steve you don't have abs." Well my response is "They're in there somewhere. I'm just looking for them."

Here's to hoping I can keep this up for 2 more weeks. It'll get harder when we go into Shenzhen this weekend and the hotels are, um, lacking. If anything, it'll make me try even harder to find a way to make it work.